Juego responsable

Cómo jugar de forma responsable

He aquí algunos consejos clave que le ayudarán a jugar de forma responsable:

  • Trate el juego como una fuente de entretenimiento y no como una fuente de ingresos;
  • No juegue nunca por encima de sus posibilidades;
  • Establezca de antemano un límite de dinero para cada partida;
  • Nunca persiga sus pérdidas;
  • Intente tomar descansos regulares entre las partidas que juegue;
  • Evite jugar cuando beba alcohol;
  • No juegue cuando esté deprimido, enfadado o disgustado;
  • Intente jugar desde el conocimiento;
  • No deje que el juego interfiera en sus responsabilidades diarias;
  • Asegúrese de que el juego no sea su único interés o afición;
  • Lleve un registro del tiempo y el dinero gastados;
  • Si se siente adicto al juego, autoexclúyase;
  • Fíjese un límite de tiempo antes de empezar a jugar y cúmplalo. Ponte una alarma;
  • No recurra al juego como fuente alternativa de ingresos o forma de saldar una deuda;
  • Para más información sobre cómo jugar con seguridad y cómo afrontar los problemas de juego, busque ayuda en BeGambleAware, Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare and Gam-Anon.

What are the Signs of Problem Gambling?

The following questions can help identify when your gambling behaviour has become a concern:

  • Do you stay away from work or college to gamble?
  • Do you gamble to escape from problems in your life (boredom, unhappy home life, etc.)?
  • If you run out of money when you’re gambling, do you feel lost and in despair and want to find money to gamble again as soon as possible?
  • After losing, do you feel you must try and win back your losses as soon as possible?
  • Have you lied, stolen or borrowed to get money to gamble or pay gambling debts?
  • Have you ever lied to cover up the amount of money or time you’ve spent gambling?
  • Do you gamble until your last penny is gone, even if it’s for your bus fare home or for food?
  • Are you getting into debt because of gambling?
  • Have others ever criticized your gambling behavior?
  • Are you reluctant to spend “gambling money” on anything else?
  • Have you lost interest in your family, friends or other interests/hobby?
  • Do you put gambling before your family and other loved ones?
  • Do arguments, frustrations or disappointments make you want to gamble more?
  • Do you feel depressed or suicidal because of your gambling?

If you answer “yes” to any of the above, please contact: BeGambleAware, Gamblers Anonymous, GamCare and Gam-Anon.

Main Gambling Organizations

Gambling Addiction Organizations Website Country
BeGambleAware https://www.begambleaware.org/ UK
GamCare https://www.gamcare.org.uk/ UK
Gamblers Anonymous https://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk/ UK
Gambling Therapy https://www.gamblingtherapy.org/ UK
Gam-Anon http://gamanon.org.uk/ UK
Gordon House Association https://gordonmoody.org.uk/ UK
CNWL National Problem Gambling https://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/services/addictions-and-substance-misuse-services/national-problem-gambling-clinic UK
Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) https://www.responsiblegambling.org/ Canada
British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling https://www.bcresponsiblegambling.ca/ Canada
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline https://www.connexontario.ca/en-ca/ Canada
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health https://kmb.camh.ca/ggtu Canada
Problem Gambling Foundation https://www.problemgambling.ca/gambling-help/HomePage.aspx Canada
Canada Safety Council https://canadasafetycouncil.org/about/ Canada
The Ministry of Health https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/mental-health-and-addiction/addiction/gambling New Zealand
Gambling Helpline New Zealand https://gamblinghelpline.co.nz/Home_452.aspx New Zealand
ChoiceNotChance https://www.choicenotchance.org.nz/ New Zealand
Problem Gambling Foundation https://www.pgf.nz/ New Zealand
The National Problem Gambling Helpline Network https://www.ncpgambling.org/ US
1 800 Gambler https://www.1800gambler.net/ US
Australia Gambling Help https://www.gamblinghelponline.org.au/ Australia
GamblersHelp https://gamblershelp.com.au/ Australia
South African Responsible Gambling Foundation https://responsiblegambling.org.za/ South Africa
Gamblers Anonymous Ireland https://www.gamblersanonymous.ie/ Ireland
Danish Gambling Authority https://www.spillemyndigheden.dk/ Denmark
Adictel Prevention Addiction https://www.adictel.com/en/ France
Gluecksspielsucht https://www.gluecksspielsucht.de/ Germany
Careplay https://www.careplay.ch/ Switzerland
Responsible Gambling Foundation https://www.rgf.org.mt/ Malta
AGOG https://www.agog.nl/ Netherlands
Hjelpelinjen https://hjelpelinjen.no/ Norway
Stödlinjen https://stodlinjen.se/ Sweden
Caritas Addicted Gamblers Counseling Centre https://www.gamblercaritas.org.hk/ Hong Kong

Ogranizations that test and certificate fairness

Name Website
eCOGRA www.ecogra.org
iTech Labs www.itechlabs.com
TST www.tstglobal.com
GLI www.gaminglabs.com
Gaming Associates www.gamingassociates.com
NMi nmi.nl
BMM Testlabs bmm.com
SQS www.sqs.com